It’s Good to Experiment

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Experimenting is a Good Thing

What if you could try a new form of writing? What would it be for you? How would it feel and where would you start?

For me, it’s experimenting with middle grade novel writing. I’ve read quite a few in the genre in the last few months—Rain ShadowThe Glory Wind, and Birdspell, by Valerie Sherrard; and I’m Sorry for Your Loss, by Joanne Levy. All impressive works that left me thinking about the characters and their stories for a long while afterwards.

Last fall I took a writing class in which participants were challenged to experiment with different forms of children’s writing. I had one page started (middle grade) in a class exercise and another prompt line. When it was time for NaNoWriMo, I thought I would give middle grade a try. I wrote knowing my stories would require much revision and editing, but I figured it worth the effort. I also squeezed in my Christmas letter when the first story seemed to come to a natural ending.

Recently I signed up for a weekend workshop with Highlights with the first page of my first middle grade novel. I looked forward to learning from others and seeing how my first page evolves.

It was a good workshop and I realize that I should not compare my work with authors (such as our instructors) who have been writing this genre for a long time and very successfully.

If you write nonfiction, try something new. Consider poetry or fiction, or creative nonfiction, if you’ve been stuck on articles.  First drafts will be far from polished.  However, it’s an opportunity to engage your brain in something a little different. You may surprise yourself by what you can do.

You might stay with what you’re currently writing, or you may, in fact, find something new that you enjoy. Learn from people who already do it well. That’s where reading established authors can help. Please let me know how it goes. A quick response to this newsletter will suffice. Have fun!

“If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.”
― Margaret Atwood

February 2022 newsletter: Planning your book launch for your intended audience, with guest writer, Glynis Belec.