Encouragement to keep writing

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Keep on Writing

I encourage you to ponder your artistic expression whether it’s story, poetry, or creative nonfiction, and offer the world around you a piece of your creativity.

My friend Valda created pottery pieces on her wheel. She described how to make the work strong, and where the weaknesses may be. I pondered what she said and thought of us like potters, working with our words, massaging where the expression is weak, where the meaning isn’t as strong, and ultimately having a piece of writing to inspire, entertain, or inform our readers.

Here’s a poem for you to consider, my offering to you in this season. Use your gift well, renew your dedication to creating stories, poetry and articles that inspire and invite people to think.

Poet Potter

Words are jumbled cells of clay
in the potter’s open hand
They gather with the force of a wheel
propelled by the potter’s feet

The wheel spins round and round
mere clay in the potter’s hands
mere words in the poet’s mind

the neck wobbles and collapses
sinks to the bottom

The potter’s focus
and mindful maneuvering
remodel the clay

Words arrange themselves
into solid bottom, sides and neck,
till the finished piece is ready
for the fire of the editor’s kiln

© Carolyn R. Wilker *

When you write, will you play with sound and words? Will you make your words lay smooth on the page with depth and meaning? Take time to make your words sing. Be the best potter of words that you can be.

Be well and stay safe until we meet again in January 2022.

*Poem first published by Tower Poetry, and is also included in my book, Travelling Light.