Book Launch on Target

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This month, guest writer Glynis M. Belec shares an experience of matching her book content to her young audience. And she adds tips that can help you with your own launch.

Book Launch on Target

A wise person said that if you shoot for perfection, you will always be disappointed. Another wise person said if you only shoot for mediocre you will only ever achieve the status quo. As writers who want to have a successful book launch, the best option is to direct your arrow somewhere in between.

So, what does that look like for you and me? When I released my middle-grade novel, Mrs. B Has Cancer (thanks Carolyn for your expert edit), I decided to go for the unique. I thought about my book audience. I considered what would attract them to the launch. Then I remembered that part of the story in my book where my main characters organized a Cancel Cancer party. That was it. I decided I would replicate as much as I could from the party.

It was fun planning. I contacted the local baker to order cake pops—like in the book. I organized and set up games for children—like in the book. I set up a photo booth—just like in the book. I rented a local art studio and put up a large, bright display of my books complete with balloons, a spot to sign books, and a few snacks and beverages for my guests.

I didn’t do this alone, though. I had some fellow writers and friends assigned to the different games, and my daughter, who happened to be a professional photographer, manned the photo booth. Then I was able to stroll around mingling with the children and parents, selling and signing my books.

Here are some tips to consider for your own book launch:

  • Think about your target book audience and plan accordingly
  • Set a budget
  • Ask friends and family to help
  • Choose an appropriate venue
  • Consider a scene from your book and create a backdrop that you can sit in front of as you read a portion of your book to guests
  • Have a nice display of your books
  • Be creative and include some enlarged photos of any illustrations from your book
  • Advertise early
  • Send out a press release
  • Create an event page and talk about the launch on social media.

Bonus tip: If you have fun, then your arrow has hit the target!
Glynis Belec is an award-winning Children’s Author, Speaker, Freelancer, and winner of a trophy for holding her breath the longest underwater. She counts her writing a success when her words cleverly cling together to bring hope, glory to God, and a smile on the face of her readers. &